Grow Getters x 3 Farm Daughters Podcasting 🌱🎙️

Don’t mind us... just out here grow-getting! As first-time podcasters, we think we did pretty well. But we will leave that up to you. How about this, if you watch the podcast and tell us how you liked it, send us an email and we will send you a special 3FD surprise!

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Ladies – you are each brilliant and you did an excellent job on this podcast. You did not need to convince me on the quality of your product, I am already a huge fan. As an Italian, I can tell you that this pasta rivals any of the premium brands with the added bonus of a low GI. If you get the chance, please see my comments on the YouTube podcast. Way to go ladies – you have given us a wonderful, high quality, healthy product that is top notch. You are better than rock stars. Your pasta is the absolute best!

Patricia Pepe

I really enjoyed your family’s back story and how your business developed. Oh yeah, really love your product, too!!!

Mona-Marie Leslie

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